

Remember to lodge your 2019-2020 tax return by the 30 June 2021

Before Services Australia can balance your payments, you usually need to confirm your income. You need to either:

  • lodge your tax return with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)
  • tell them you don’t need to lodge one and confirm your income online.

If you have a partner, they’ll need to do this too. If you separated during the year, we may also need your ex-partner’s income.

Balancing your Family Tax Benefit (FTB)

Services Australia can only balance your FTB when they have all the information they need from you and the ATO. If you’ve lodged your tax return, the ATO will send them your income information which usually is within 28 days from when you get your Notice of Assessment from them.

What you need to do for child support

If you pay or receive child support, they will use your taxable income to calculate child support payments. Once you’ve lodged your tax return the ATO will send them your income information.