4 THEMES FOR 2019 GOALS – #3 $$ – Financial, Savings, Budget, Purchases


4 THEMES FOR GOALS #3 $$$ – Financial, Savings, Budget, Purchases

The third part of your 2019 goals is a focus on your finances.  Home cashflow can be one of the most stressful issues in your life, which I highly recommend setting up a home budget.  This requires 20 minutes of your time to estimate the costs you have over the year by using our free budget calculator https://weareaccountable.com.au/resources/4756/  This then requires you splitting your income into three bank accounts of: i) everyday account; ii) bills/loans accounts; iii) savings/emergency/holidays/health account. In setting up direct payments into each account, will help you automatically save towards paying your larger bills, and any savings or holiday goals you have.  Sometimes when you have had a big couple of weeks of personal spending, it may require you to curb your spending in your everyday account – but this is the commitment you need, to ensure you can pay up-coming bills from your other bank accounts.

Other financial goals in 2019 could be looking at your super, and assessing how much you are putting in there. Or reviewing your loans to try to get a better interest rate.  Or maybe buying that investment property you have talked about doing for many years. Even smaller tasks like reviewing your insurances or home electricity/gas arrangements could be on your goals list.  Its amazing how much you can save by spending 30 minutes looking at these things – which may even help you save $2000 to go towards that holiday you hope to go on.

What could you do this weekend, to help set up a better financial plan? – which if you do arrange a budget or get better deals on your bills, reward yourself with a massage or something, as the long term financial and stress benefits of reviewing your finances will lead to a much happier life.

By Pat Hoey